Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A Terrible Blogger


Remember that time I stopped blogging forever and you all thought I was dead?  Ya.  I remember that too.  I'm not sure exactly what happened.  I just got out of the habit.

But I want to get back in the habit.  I started blogging because I liked having a record of my thoughts and the things I did with my life.  That hasn't changed.

I think at some point I started worrying about what people thought about what I was writing.  I sort of forgot that I write because I enjoy it and not because other people enjoy it.

So this year I've set a goal to get back in the habit.  I've also given myself permission to write things that are lame or boring.  (If that's not a ringing endorsement that gets you coming back, I don't know what will.)  That's not to say that I will try to be lame or boring, but I just need that to be okay so I don't feel the pressure that at some point I started to feel.

So here's to a new year where I start recording my life again.

I'll probably try to record some things that have happened since I last blogged, but they may not come out in chronological order.

So stay tuned.  It will be way exciting.  (Or not.  Who know?)

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