Saturday, November 22, 2008

IDK My BFF Jared W

So I recently created a fan page for my good friend Jared W on facebook. I felt it was important that all fans of Jared W should have a place where they can discuss recent Jared W sightings, share their appreciation for Jared W or even just have raving, screaming girls that fawn over Jared W. As part of my function as the administrator of this most important page I was converting a powerpoint that one of his friends made, about why girls should date Jared W, to video, so I could post it to the fan page. Of course, once it was converted it was important that I use it to do a little Jared W tribute.

I'm not the first to do a tribute to Jared W on a blog. Kayli did one a while back on his birthday. Jared and I have known each other since sometime around Kindergarten age. He's a little over a year younger than me which is alot when that's 20% of your life as it is in Kindergarten, so we didn't get to be good friends until sometime in the high school years. When I was a missionary I wrote him. When he was a missionary he wrote me. (That meant that we actually recieved replies during the months that our missions overlapped.)

We've been through lots of good times. We were always each other's wingmen in meeting girls. We've played countless hours of Super Smash Brothers together. (If we were to string all of our smash time together it would probably be over a month of consecutive time. I'm a little ashamed to think of how much time we've spent on that game.)

We've discussed politics, movies, books, people and basically every subject. Jared has taught me so many things about life and we've always been there to build each other up when times get hard. Basically, Jared is an all around great guy, which is why I would like to invite all single girls that are reading this to date Jared W. If you'd like to know more about him you can read his blog or you can contact me for more information. The following video will get you started on the reasons you should date him.


  1. I heart my BFF's BFF. I agree that Jared is awesome, for one, he helped me realize how amazing you are, so he is a large reason I started dating you in the first place. Jared has been a great friend and I hope he still hangs out with us as the years roll by and we become more old and boring.

  2. What an awesome tribute to an awesome BFF!! You're both great!!

  3. Thanks for the tribute. We have had some good times. I am glad we are still BFFs even though you got married. (I guess that is what the second F in BFF stands for.)

  4. For those of you who didn't understand the title of this post, it was in reference to this cingular commercial and also this one.


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