Every year at this time of year it is a very difficult time. You see, my birthday is in just over a month. (May 27) This is, of course, a happy time but it's also very difficult. You see, there are those that would say that I'm difficult to purchase presents for. This is probably due to the fact that whenever I want something I buy it (obviously within reason, but someday I'll be wealthy enought to abandon reason.) This leaves me in a position where if I really want something then I have already bought it.
So, 4 or 5 years ago I came up with a brilliant plan to serve those who want to buy me birthday presents. (For the record, this plan also happens around Christmas time.) The plan is what I call the purchase freeze. It means I am not allowed to buy anything for myself for a month or two. Also, when I go into this mode I make sure that my amazon wishlist is up to date. In this way, I can fully support anyone who would desire to get me any sort of gift.
For those of you who are scoffing at the idea that I need to go into a special mode, and especially for those that are looking down on me for the fact that I'm writing a blog about my own birthday and my own presents I want you to know how difficult it has been historically to refrain from buying things during this time. It's significantly easier now that I'm married since we've put ourselves on a stricter budget, especially since I can now just tell Robyn anything I really want. But I want you all to know that I go to great sacrifice to allow you to have plenty of options in what you can buy me.
At any rate, I just wanted to announce that I am officially in purchase freeze mode and my amazon wish list is fully up to date. Also, I have setup my amazon wish list so that it doesn't tell me what people have bought from it during this time as well. You are now fully empowered to buy me birthday presents, early Christmas presents or happy Thursday presents.
Summen Der Wohnzimmer Lampe
3 years ago