Sunday, August 22, 2010


It's been a while since I have updated you all on the funny things our sunbeams say and do.  I thought I'd share an experience that happened today.

Our lesson was on how we should be thankful for food and clothes.  We started out by talking about some of their favorite foods, then we asked them where food came from.  "My dad" was the unanimous answer.  But we wanted to help them discover that food comes from plants and animals and ultimately exists because God made it for us. 

So we asked them where Dad got the food. 

"The grocery store"

"Where does the grocery store get food?"


I guess WalMart is the source of all things.  Later, we were talking about clothes.  We asked where our clothes came from.  "WalMart" was again the answer. 

"Where does WalMart get the clothes?"


I guess it just makes sense.  If the Lindon WalMart runs out of stuff, there has to be another WalMart that has what they need.  They probably just go buy it at the Orem WalMart.  So now you know.  It all came from WalMart.


  1. Sunbeams say the darnedest things. I guess then you were able to teach them all that they need to be grateful that Heavenly Father helped to create Walmart.

  2. That answer threw me off for a moment and I was not so sure I was going to make it though without busting up laughing. Thanks for being such a good side kick. They sure liked watching you dress up in all the hats.

  3. I live about 15 minutes from Wal-Mart Headquarters...where Bart works. His job is to make sure all the trucks get to the right places at the right time with the right stuff.

    Does that make Bart kind of like the Wal-Mart god?

  4. Oh no! Not the Dark Lord Waldemart! Have you seen this: :-)

  5. I'm a little concerned about a class that thinks Walmart is the source of everything good, but, whateves.

  6. wait... are you saying everything DOESN'T come from wal*mart?!

  7. Cute they think everything is from Walmart. Thank goodness it's not.

  8. If Walmart is kind of like God then going to walmart is kind of like going to church, therefore it must be okay to go to Walmart on Sunday. Do you like my reasoning? Almost Sunbeamish don't you think?


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