Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Memory Tag

Today's post is not a story by me. Today, the story is by you. I got this memory tag from Robyn's blog and I thought it sounded fun. So here are the instructions:

1. Leave a comment of a memory of ME!
2. Put these instructions on your blog so I can visit you and leave a memory I have of you.


  1. One of the best memories I have is when you showed up at my door dressed so nice and holding a BEAUTIFUL vase of white flowers. I will always have that image ingrained in my brain.

    Bitting your thumb... now THAT was funny. Well, maybe not at that time.

  2. Remember when you, Scott, and I went "running" each night? and you fell down. haha

    Or when the three of us tried to meditate over the potpourri candle in Scott's living room.

  3. I remember this one guy, Jeff. He was really nice. Then he called me old. Now all I have are my memories of the nice guy formerlly known as Jeff.

  4. I remember one time when we found a shopping cart in the Glenwood parking lot and had such great times with it.

  5. I remember how you stalk me from ward to ward. And all the good times in party class!

  6. I remember when you were on my team to plan the best date ever and we dominated. It has been great to have you on my team through the good and the bad.

  7. Three words:

    Dairy Creamer FIREBALL

  8. I have this memory of Jeff when he used to post to his blog... :)

  9. So my memory of you is that when ever you were coming to visit I would hide all of my favorite toys so you wouldn't break them. and... YOu were really loud;) but really now I know it wasn't that bad. No one is as loud as my Doodle.

  10. I remember when Jeff and I went shopping for his love sac, which came to life as a monster sack that roamed the living room. :)

  11. Well, I have so very many wonderful memories of you Jeff! Where to begin! I do remember our dear good times with stacking a shelf and having a parachute! The most mortifying one was when you showed up to my door and my lovely roommate Vanyssa opened the door to tell us that she can't hear us! Sheesh!


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